McDonough County

REAL ESTATE TAXES: Payment Options

  • Payments may be made by mail to:
    County Treasurer
    #1 Courthouse Sq.
    Macomb, IL 61455.

  • Placed in the silver drop box at the end of the south side sidewalk outside of the Courthouse. *Any payment placed after 4:00 p.m. will be worked on the next business day.*

  • In the Treasurer's Office in the Courthouse.

  • At many area banks. Contact your local bank for hours and information. Banks will NOT accept payments after the second installment due date.

  • You may use a credit/debit card by going to
    - Your transactions can take 3-7 business days to be processed.
    - A service fee is charged by GovTech for this transaction.
    - You can only use a credit/debit card through the second installment due date.

  • Subsequent Tax Payments: Must be paid in person. Please contact our office with questions on how we accept these payments.

  • MOBILE HOME TAXES: Payment Options

  • Payments may be made by mail to:
    County Treasurer
    #1 Courthouse Sq.
    Macomb, IL 61455.

  • Placed in the silver drop box at the end of the south side sidewalk outside of the Courthouse. *Any payment placed after 4:00 p.m. will be worked on the next business day.*

  • In the Treasurer's Office in the Courthouse.

  • DOG REGISTRATION: Payment Options

  • Payments may be made by mail to:
    County Treasurer
    #1 Courthouse Sq.
    Macomb, IL 61455.

  • Placed in the silver drop box at the end of the south side sidewalk outside of the Courthouse. *Any payment placed after 4:00 p.m. will be worked on the next business day.*

  • In the Treasurer's Office in the Courthouse.

  • The McDonough County Treasurer Shall:

    To view the County taxes visit:

    To pay your real estate taxes with a credit/debit card visit:

    McDonough County Treasurer
    Dana Moon
    #1 Courthouse Square
    Macomb, IL 61455
    Phone: (309)833-2032
    Fax: (309)836-2602